Supporting tourism’s transition towards a circular economy – A look of UNWTO at Pomerania Development Agency’s CIRTOINNO project

Within project Cirtoinno activities Publication titled: ”Destination: A circular tourism economy. A Handbook for transitioning toward a circular economy within the tourism and hospitality sectors in the South Baltic Region” was prepared. It summarize project research and e.g. identify existing circular economy solutions practised in tourism business. In parallel with the Handbook, the O n e Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme webinar, ”Circular economy: exploring an innovative approach for the tourism sector” underscores the business opportunities that circular economy opens up for tourism. That’s why UNWTO pay attention on the project and mentioned it in the Annual Magazine 2017/2018.
The final version of the Handbook will be presented at the end of the CIRTOINNO project in 2019. The current version of Handbook you can find on

  • Annual Magazine of UNWTO programme One Planet – Sustainable Tourism page 32-33 [LINK]