Lead Partner

Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza

Pomerania Development Agency Co. (Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza – APR) is one of the pioneering agencies of regional development in Poland, established in 1992, as an initiative of the voivodeship authorities.

Agency’s mission is acting to the benefit of harmonious growth of Pomerania through supporting businesses and authorities in the region, as well as initiating and giving assistance to economic ventures of local importance. ARP is also an institution which defines standards of help for entrepreneurship in Pomerania, as well as an important partner for self-government units in terms of regional development approach creation. Agency’s representatives are officially engaged, as an active party, in the preparation of regional development strategies and economic policy.

ARP implements EU Funds for businesses and institutions, enhancing entrepreneurship, and carries through projects of essential significance for Pomerania. The institution manages the Capital Found, investing in innovative venture ideas. The Agency runs also the Investors’ Care Service responsible for economic promotion of the region and direct foreign investments and provides information, consulting and training services for SME sector. The Agency runs also European projects of local, national and international importance. CIRTOINNO – Circular Economy Tools to Support Innovation in Green and Blue Tourism SMEs – is one of them. ARP is a Lead Partner in this action.



Poland, 80-309 Gdańsk,
472 D Grunwaldzka Ave.,

Geographical location:

54°24'13.2"N 18°34'17.1"E

Project Cordinator:

Michał Kwas,
+48 58 32 33 237,


Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych im. Roberta Szewalskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences

Institue of Fluid-Flow Machinery (IMP PAN) is the biggest among scientific units of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Northern Poland and the second largest in the country. IMP PAN hires over 200 employees (over 140 scientific researchers including 20 professors, 45 post-doctoral scientists). The Institute possesses all possible authorisations and academic rights, including rights to confer the title of full professor in the area of mechanics as well as machine construction and exploitation.

The main scientific task of IMP PAN is concentrated on energy conversion in flows and constitutes the fundamental research in the Institute. However, during the last years IMP PAN modified its scientific strategy and started to build a new scientific competence in the field of small-scale distributed energy systems based on renewable energy sources, dedicated mainly for residential sector.

Current research areas of IMP PAN include distributed heat and power generation on the small scale based on renewable resources, m-CHP technology, plus energy technologies for residential sector, photovoltaics, exploitation and thermal-hydraulic diagnostics of steam turbines, machine mechanics (computer analysis, vibrations, rotor dynamics, model-based diagnostics, expert systems), high-temperature gasification and gas/syngas cogeneration, rotor dynamic modelling, design and testing, fuel cells and hydrogen/biogas cogeneration, new materials, condition monitoring and smart structures, plasma and laser engineering and small hydro power plants.

In CIRTOINNO project IMP PAN is an expert in the field of energy.



Poland: 80-231 Gdańsk,
Fiszera 14 St.,

Geographical location:

54°22'22.9"N 18°36'54.8"E

Project Cordinator:

Ewa Domke,
+48 58 699 52 93,